Frequently Asked Questions

Tattoo’s are safe so long as they’re applied by a trained and licensed professional in a sterile setting, such as at Bully Dome Tattoo.

The current shop minimum is $100.
Arizona state law requires an individual to be at least 18 years of age to have any procedure such as a tattoo or piercing done without consent of a parent or guardian.
Tattoo pain is very subjective. While it can feel like ‘not a big deal’ to some, it can be excruciating for others.
Tattoo prices can vary based on several different variables, such as art, size, placement, artist, etc.
  1. If possible, shave the area before you arrive.
  2. Drink Plenty of water to ensure that you’re hydrated.
  3. Sleep well the night before your appointment.
  4. Wear clothing that will allow access to the area to be tattooed.
  5. Moisturize your skin in the days coming up to your appointment.

Tips are appropriate and always appreciated.

Before your tattoo has completely healed, it will be sensitive to UV rays (whether real or sunbed.) Once your tattoo has healed UV rays won’t cause fading, and you can expose it to sun or sunbeds like you normally would.
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Tattoo Aftercare

Initial Healing Period Tattoo aftercare is critical in the days following your new tattoo’s application. The average healing time for

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